Quick Start
- Create an empty game object and rename it to StarterGO and add EzDimStarter component on it.
- Create nine UI buttons and drag the StarterGO script inside the button. Then select these voids for each button :
- EzPointToPointDimension()
- EzLinearDimension()
- EzAlignedDimension()
- EzAngledDimension()
- EzAreaMeasure()
- HideSelectedDimensions()
- UnhideAll()
- DeleteSelectedDimensions()
- UpdateAll()
- Select the StarterGO, then fill the references and set the parameters. If it’s your first run, we recommend to check the sample scene first. Consider that the first field should be empty to test the dimensions with mouse input. We’ll explain how to use it in VR in the Scripting Manual/Using VR Input section.
4 . When you fill the references and set the parameters, create a ground object and another two objects, check them having “Collider” component. you can create your first dimension by click on the button that you connected to “EzPointToPointDimension()” void.
congratulations, you made your first dimension!