valuesReference | EzDimStarter | Global parameters reference |
measurementPlane | Funcs.MeasurementPlane | Measure the distance on this specific plane |
offsetDistance | float | Distance between mainLine from the first hitPoint |
reverseDirection | bool | Multiply offset distance to -1 |
isIndividual | bool | Allow dimension to have local attributes |
isDynamic | bool | Make dimension dynamic. If target objects moving, the dimension will update it's length |
mainLineThickness | float | Thickness of the mainLine |
arrowHeight | float | Arrow prefab's scale |
textSize | float | TextMesh font size |
NormalOffset | float | Offset dimension along normal of first hitPoint to avoid Z-Fighting |
textTowardsCameraOffset | float | Offset dimension towards camera to avoid masking or intersection with other objects in the scene |
textOffset | float | Offset number's textMesh to it's local Y axis. it control the distance between number and mainLine |
secondaryLinesThickness | float | Thickness of the sedondary lines |
secondaryLinesExtend | float | Length of secondary lines extend |
DirectionPointInFreeMode | Vector3 | Position of direction point when draw in free mode |
autoTextPosition | bool | change text and arrows position if text's width and arrows height was bigger than distance of measured points |
flipTextPosition | bool | flip position when autoTextPosition affected the dimension text and arrows position |
numberColor | Color | Color of number's textMesh |
mainColor | Color | Color of mainLine material. other material features can control by a costum script |
secondaryColor | Color | Color of secondaryLine material. other material features can control by a costum script |
arrowColor | Color | Color of arrow material. other material features can control by a costum script |
hoveredTint | Color | This color multiplies to other colors if we hovered on any dimension when using mouse or VR |
selectedTint | Color | Color of selected dimensions |
hoveredOnSelectedTint | Color | Color of selected dimension when we hovered on it when using mouse or VR |
mainLineMat | Material | Material of mainLine |
secondaryLinesMat | Material | Material of secondaryLine |
arrowMat | Material | Material of arrows |
arrowPrefab | GameObject | Prefab contain the arrow object.pivot should set to the center of it's base |
mainParent | GameObject | Dimension main parent |
cameraTransform | Transform | Transform of camera |
firstPointHitNormal | Vector3 | Normal of first hitPoint |
pointA | Vector3 | Initial Position of the first hitPoint |
pointB | Vector3 | Initial Position of the second hitPoint |
secondDrawStep | bool | This bool turns true after first click in creation process and always remain true |
isDone | bool | This bool turns true at the end of creation process |
objectATransformGO | GameObject | GameObject at the Position of first hitObject's center |
objectBTransformGO | GameObject | GameObject at the Position of second hitObject's center |
pointATransformGO | GameObject | GameObject at the position of first hitPoint |
pointBTransformGO | GameObject | GameObject at the position of second hitPoint |
objectA | GameObject | First hitObject |
objectB | GameObject | Second hitObject |
CreateDimension() | Method | This void creates the dimension's parts |
UpdateDimension() | Method | This void updates the dimension's main features |
UpdateTextTransform() | Method | This void updates the dimension's text transform |