drawInVrComp | Component | VR Component ( Null = Use Mouse Input ) |
unit | InternalFunctions.Units | Unit’s Enum { Millimetre, centimeter, meter, inch, foot, yard, custom } |
customUnitMultiplier | float | If Unit = Custom, this number will multipliy to default unit |
customUnitName | string | If Unit = Custom, Name of custom unit |
showUnitAfterNumber | bool | Show short form of the unit name after dimension’s number in runtime |
numberOfDecimal | internalFuncs.numberOfDecimal | Decimal Enum { none, one, two, three, four, five, six } |
cameraTransform | Transform | Camera based texts using this transform |
rendererCamera | Camera | RayCasts using this camera (normally its same as camera transform) |
mainLineMaterial | Material | Material of the “mainLine” (line between two arrows in dimensions) |
secondaryLinesMaterial | Material | Material of secondary lines in “Linear” and “Aligned” dimensions |
arrowMaterial | Material | Material of Arrows in “PointToPoint”, “Linear” and “Aligned” dimensions |
arcMaterial | Material | Material of indicator arc of “Angle” dimension |
areaSurfaceMaterial | Material | Material of “Area” measure’s surface |
areaBorderMaterial | Material | Material of “Area” measure’s border |
arrowPrefab | GameObject | Arrow Prefab for “PointToPoint”, “Linear” & “Aligned” dimensions |
areaHandlesPrefab | GameObject | It will attach to every corners of “Area” measure |
alignedDimFreeModeDirPointer | GameObject | Direction pointer object appears when creating free “aligned” dimension |
alignedDimFreeModePlanePrefab | GameObject | Direction plane object appears when creating free “aligned” dimension |
planePrefabScaleMultiplier | float | Scale direction plane to mouse position multiplier. Zero = turnOf |
areaHandlesScale | float | Scale of areaHandlesPrefab |
pointerScale | float | Scale of alignedDimFreeModeDirPointer |
isDynamic | bool | If true, start and end of dimension will follow the “hit point” transform |
linesThickness | float | Thickness of the “mainLine”(line between two arrows) |
textSize | float | The size of number’s text (it’s based on “textMeshPro” font size) |
textOffset | float | Offset between “main line” and number’s text |
arrowHeight | float | Coefficient of arrow size. final size depends on “arrowPrefab” scale |
measurementDirection | Funcs.MeasurementDirection | Direction of “Linear” dimension (multiply direction to “offsetDistance”) |
offsetDirection | Funcs.OffsetDirection | Direction of offset in the “Linear” dimension |
measurementPlane | Funcs.MeasurementPlane | Measurement plane for “Aligned” dimensions - { XZ, XY, ZY, Free } |
reverseDirection | bool | Flip “Aligned” dimensions in cross vector of the measurement plane |
offsetDistance | float | Length of “secondary lines” |
secondaryLinesThickness | float | Thickness of “secondary lines” |
secondaryLinesExtend | float | Length of “extends” in secondary lines |
autoTextPosition | bool | Change number’s position if distance was too short and number can’t fit |
flipTextPosition | bool | If “AutoTextPosition” was true, mirror text position |
angleMeasurmentPlane | Funcs.AngleMeasurmentPlane | Measurement plane of “Angle” dimension - { XZ, XY, ZY, Free } |
arcScale | float | Scale of the plane that carries the dimension arc |
angleDimTextOffsetFromCenter | float | Distance of number from the center of the angle dimension |
angleDimHitNormalOffset | float | Offset to normal direction of the first hit point to avoid ZFighting |
textOffsetWhenNotFit | Vector2 | When angle is too short, this is offset of new position |
areaMeasurementPlane | Funcs.MeasurementPlane | Measurement plane of “Area” measure - { XZ, XY, ZY, Free } |
enableAreaBorderLine | bool | Show border line |
areaLocalYOffset | float | Offset in local Y direction to avoid Z-fighting |
areaTextLocalYOffset | float | Space between number’s text and area surface |
areaBorderLocalYOffset | float | Space between border and area surface |
areaBorderLineThickness | float | Thickness of the border line mesh |
areaNumberPositionOffset | Vector2 | 2d offset of number position |
numberColor | Color | Color of “textMeshPro” that generates the number |
mainColor | Color | Color of line between arrows in “PointToPoint”, “Linear” & “Aligned” dims |
secondaryColor | Color | Color of guiding lines of “Linear” & “Aligned” dimension |
arrowColor | Color | Color of arrows in “PointToPoint”, “Linear” & “Aligned” dimensions |
arcColor | Color | Color of indicator arc of “Angle” dimension |
areaBorderColor | Color | Color of border of “Area” measure |
areaSurfaceColor | Color | Color of surface of “Area” measure |
hoveredTint | Color | Lerp this color to colors of “hovered” dimension |
selectedTint | Color | Lerp this color to colors of “selected” dimensions |
hoveredOnSelectedTint | Color | Lerp this color to colors of “hovered dimensions” if it was selected |
hitNormalOffset | float | Offset to normal direction of first hit point to avoid ZFighting |
textTowardsCameraOffset | float | Offset the number towards the camera to avoid intersection |
onSelectionChanged | UnityEvent<List<GameObject>> | Events added here will trigger when selection changes (Mouse & VR) |
onHovered | UnityEvent<GameObject> | Events added here will trigger when hovers on a dimension (Mouse & VR) |
pointA | Vector3 | Initial Position of the first hitPoint |
pointB | Vector3 | Initial Position of the second hitPoin |
isCreating | bool | This bool turns true while creation process otherwise is false |
DimensionsList | List<GameObject> | List of dimensions created from this EzDimStarter component |
SelectionList | List<GameObject> | List of selected dimensions that created from this EzDimStarter component |
oldHoveredGo | GameObject | List hovered dimension |
hit | RaycastHit | raycast hit (feed by mouse or VR) |
isOldSelectionListEmpty | bool | This bool returns true if selection list was empty |
planePrefab | GameObject | Plane Prefab that shows when creating aligned dimension in free mode |
createDimensionCort | Coroutine | Coroutine for creation process |
CreatePointToPointDimension() | IEnumerator | Using this part of code while creating PointToPointDimension . |
CreateLinearDimension() | IEnumerator | Using this part of code while creating LinearDimension . |
CreateAlignedDimension() | IEnumerator | Using this part of code while creating AlignedDimension . |
CreateAngleDimension() | IEnumerator | Using this part of code while creating AngleDimension . |
CreateAreaMeasure() | IEnumerator | Using this part of code while creating AreaMeasure . |
EzPointToPointDimension() | Method | Call this void to create PointToPointDimension when using mouse input |
EzLinearDimension() | Method | Call this void to create LinearDimension when using mouse input |
EzAlignedDimension() | Method | Call this void to create AlignedDimension when using mouse input |
EzAngledDimension() | Method | Call this void to create AngleDimension when using mouse input |
EzAreaMeasure() | Method | Call this void to create AreaMeasure when using mouse input |
HideSelectedDimensions() | Method | Call this void to hide selected dimensions when using mouse or VR input |
UnhideAll() | Method | Call this void to unhide all dimensions when using mouse or VR input |
DeleteSelectedDimensions() | Method | Call this void to delete selected dimensions when using mouse or VR input |
UpdateAll() | Method | Call this void to update all dimensions when using mouse or VR input |