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Linear Dimension

valuesReferenceEzDimStarterGlobal parameters reference
measurementDirectionFuncs.MeasurementDirectionMeasure the distance on this specific axis
offsetDirectionFuncs.OffsetDirectionOffset mainLine in this direction
offsetDistancefloatDistance between mainLine from the first hitPoint
isIndividualboolAllow dimension to have local attributes
isDynamicboolMake dimension dynamic. If target objects moving, the dimension will update it's length
mainLineThicknessfloatThickness of the mainLine
arrowHeightfloatArrow prefab's scale
textSizefloatTextMesh font size
NormalOffsetfloatOffset dimension along normal of first hitPoint to avoid Z-Fighting
textTowardsCameraOffsetfloatOffset dimension towards camera to avoid masking or intersection with other objects in the scene
textOffsetfloatOffset number's textMesh to it's local Y axis. it control the distance between number and mainLine
secondaryLinesThicknessfloatThickness of the sedondary lines
secondaryLinesExtendfloatLength of secondary lines extend
autoTextPositionboolchange text and arrows position if text's width and arrows height was bigger than distance of measured points
flipTextPositionboolflip position when autoTextPosition affected the dimension text and arrows position
numberColorColorColor of number's textMesh
mainColorColorColor of mainLine material. other material features can control by a costum script
secondaryColorColorColor of secondaryLine material. other material features can control by a costum script
arrowColorColorColor of arrow material. other material features can control by a costum script
hoveredTintColorThis color multiplies to other colors if we hovered on any dimension when using mouse or VR
selectedTintColorColor of selected dimensions
hoveredOnSelectedTintColorColor of selected dimension when we hovered on it when using mouse or VR
mainLineMatMaterialMaterial of mainLine
secondaryLinesMatMaterialMaterial of secondaryLine
arrowMatMaterialMaterial of arrows
arrowPrefabGameObjectPrefab contain the arrow object.pivot should set to the center of it's base
cameraTransformTransformTransform of camera
mainParentGameObjectDimension main parent
pointAVector3Initial Position of the first hitPoint
pointBVector3Initial Position of the second hitPoint
isDoneboolThis bool turns true at the end of creation process
firstPointHitNormalVector3Normal of first hitPoint
objectATransformGOGameObjectGameObject at the Position of first hitObject's center
objectBTransformGOGameObjectGameObject at the Position of second hitObject's center
pointATransformGOGameObjectGameObject at the position of first hitPoint
pointBTransformGOGameObjectGameObject at the position of second hitPoint
objectAGameObjectFirst hitObject
objectBGameObjectSecond hitObject
CreateDimension()MethodThis void creates the dimension's parts
UpdateDimension()MethodThis void updates the dimension's main features
UpdateTextTransform()MethodThis void updates the dimension's text transform